Lise Ramstad Kraemer

Lise Ramstad Kraemer

Lise Ramstad Kraemer was an active, fit, and health-conscious 43-year-old non-smoker when she was diagnosed with stage 2B lung cancer after experiencing sore knees and ankles. The pain, her only symptom, was caused by hormones associated with the disease.
Lise fought the disease valiantly for more than two years and provided an extraordinary example of unbounded hope, courage, quick wit, humor and perseverance throughout her treatment.

In September of 2009, Lise lost her battle with lung cancer at the age of 45, leaving behind her loving husband of 17 years, three beautiful daughters ages 7, 11 and 13, her parents, family and many friends who loved her dearly.

Lise was most fulfilled in her job as mother to her beloved daughters. She valued family time with Neal and the kids above all other activities that filled her happy life. Her family continues to feel the great emptiness left by her departure from this world. It is for Lise’s family and the thousands of families who have experienced similar heartache, that A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation continues to battle this misunderstood and deadly disease.

During the years that Lise fought lung cancer, she became involved with A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation, serving as one of its first board members after its incorporation in 2008. Lise brought many gifts to the board, including her experience in finance and her passion for overcoming the smoking stigma that continues to hold this disease in the shadows of other less deadly cancers. She continues to inspire hope and determination in all who knew her.

Please join us in bringing hope and support to lung cancer patients and their families, public awareness about the causes and symptoms, and equitable funding to support this vastly under-researched and stigmatized disease. It is more than time to bring this disease out of the shadows and into the light where it can be fought head on. We need your help.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

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