Movement & Physical Activity Classes

Many patients lose strength and endurance when they go through treatment. Physical activity can be beneficial before, during and after lung cancer treatment and can help you return to or improve on your former strength and quality of life. The key to exercising is to find the right amount of exercise to energize you and improve your health, without causing any harm or fatigue. Even small amounts of exercise can improve your outcomes. When in doubt about exercise, always ask your medical team for advice. 

Watch the videos below to improve your outcomes with simple movement and exercise!

Before Treatment and Surgery – exercises to improve outcomes

During Treatment – exercises to improve outcomes

Post Treatment and Surgery – exercises to improve outcomes

Simple movement and physical activity can help the lung cancer patient and caregiver:

  • Improve your mood: Exercise can help with stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Increase your energy: Exercise can help you feel more energized and motivated.
  • Help with breathing: Exercise can help with breathing problems like shortness of breath.
  • Maintain your muscle mass: Exercise can help maintain muscle mass and function.
  • Reduce fatigue: Exercise can help reduce fatigue, nausea, and discomfort.
  • Prevent disease recurrence: Exercise can help prevent disease recurrence.

Here are some tips for exercising during lung cancer treatment:

  • Start slowly: Start with low-intensity activities like walking or stretching, and gradually increase the intensity.
  • Listen to your body: Don’t overexert yourself.
  • Improve your posture: Good posture can help with breathing and lung capacity.
  • Try yoga or Qigong: These practices can help improve posture and lung capacity.