November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month!
During LCAM, ABOH joins the rest of the country in driving awareness about lung cancer for improved survival. ABOH offers supporters several ways to get involved and show support for lung cancer patients, survivors, families, and caregivers.
GOOD NEWS! ABOH has a matching gift of $100,000 for new donations made by the end of the year!
Events: See our event calendar for more info about the following activities
Gala: Thank you for joining us at the 2024 Shining Bright Gala on November 8th! It was a beautiful and fun night to support the work of ABOH, celebrate our successes, and honor loved ones hurt by lung cancer. We enjoyed delicious food, a meet-and-greet with celebrity guests, a candlelight vigil, live and silent auctions, and more. With nearly 300 people there, and more than $230,000 raised, it was a great success!!
Climb For Hope Challenge: Join the ABOH community anytime in November in stair stepping toward your physical and fundraising goals. This Challenge is important to show your support for lung cancer patients and survivors and spread awareness. Points are earned through both stairs climbed and dollars raised. Prizes will go to the climbers with the most points at the end of the month. Learn more about the challenge here.
Webinar on Cell Therapy: Dr. Benjamin Manning joins us on November 20th with exciting updates on cutting edge science advances. This expert webinar is available to 2024 Circle of Light members (2024 donors contributing $500+). COL members: Email to sign up for this cool webinar.
Give to the Max Day on November 21st: Join Minnesotans and choose ABOH by making a gift on this exceptional day of support for charities. Donate here. During LCAM, anytime in November, ABOH will focus on spreading awareness, education, and resources through newsletters, emails, and social media. We will emphasize the importance of screening for early detection, which saves lives. If you or someone you love has a smoking history, take the quiz at to find out if you are one of the lucky ones who are eligible for screening.
Share Your Story campaign: Help ABOH educate the public anytime in November by sharing your own real-life experiences with lung cancer. If you are willing to share your story, please fill out this form.
Ultimately, Lung Cancer Awareness Month will have no impact without you. With you by our side, we will change and save lives. This month is vital to rounding out the work we do all year, and we count on your support.