There is more to life after cancer than just surviving; thriving is our goal. Following a cancer diagnosis, most patients experience changes in their minds, bodies, work, and relationships. The cancer survivorship care field was established to identify and meet the diverse needs of cancer survivors. The goal of supportive care services is to help survivors thrive, return to health, or even achieve better health and well-being than they had before being diagnosed with cancer. We are thrilled that lung cancer patients are living longer than ever before, thus the need for supportive care services like those offered thru the ABOH Survivorship Program.
click for live Virtual meditation & yoga classesInteractive Survivorship Resources
PASSWORD for Mindfulness Activities: aboh
Our Vision for an Interactive Survivorship Program
A Breath of Hope’s Survivorship Program was created for lung cancer patients and their caregivers to improve their quality of life following a diagnosis. Interactive tools like breathing exercises, meditation audios, live yoga classes, exercise videos for pre and post-surgery, nutrition education, and more will be available free of charge.

Patient Education & Support
A Breath of Hope’s mission is to improve lung cancer survival. One way we do this is through our Patient Education Program – the Animated Guide to Lung Cancer. This program offers easy-to-understand patient animations and videos that overcome literacy challenges to empower patients and caregivers. Learn about lung cancer at
Additional ABOH support services include virtual support groups (available nationwide), companionship visits (available nationwide), and rides to medical appointments (rides are currently only available in MN).