Ways to Give to A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation

Circle of Light

This group of leaders transform our work through their annual commitment of $500, $1000, $2500, $5000 or more. They pledge a gift of $500 or more for the calendar year and receive extra benefits throughout the year.

Join the 2025 Circle of Light and commit to helping ABOH plan and grow its lung cancer programs that extend and save lives.

Pledge Today

Sustaining Friends

Become a monthly donor and help us bring hope to families coping with lung cancer. From rides to treatment to companionship to support groups, this group of donors keeps our support services up and running for those living with lung cancer. Starting at $24/month, every sustaining gift matters. For just $42/month, you are eligible for a one-year membership in the Circle of Light.

Start Now

Legacy Builders & Named Research Awards

These visionary leaders invest deeply in the A Breath of Hope mission and our vision of a world free from lung cancer deaths. From major gifts to planned or estate gifts to named research award gifts, these individual gifts of $50,000 or more will have a lasting and deep impact on the work of the foundation. For help in directing a major gift to A Breath of Hope, call or email our director: 952-807-6111.

Email Director

Matching Gifts

Many companies offer programs that match charitable contributions from their employees at rates as high as 2 to 1 or even 3 to 1. This simple process can double or triple your impact!

If your company has a matching gift program, call our office for help with questions or the paperwork (952) 807-6111.

Purchase ABOH Merch

A Breath of Hope has a variety of merchandise that allows you to both show your support for lung cancer patients, as well as contribute financially to crucial lung cancer support funding.


Memorials & Tributes

A donation to the A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation is a meaningful way to honor someone whose life has been impacted by lung cancer. Your gift can recognize milestones in a cancer survivor’s life or express the sense of loss when someone loses their battle with this disease. Once your gift is received, A Breath of Hope will notify the honoree or family acknowledging your gift.


Sponsor an Event

A Breath of Hope hosts many events each year. Some events are focused on supporting and educating patients and families, some draw more from the medical community, and others are fundraisers or chances to educate the public about lung cancer. Sponsorships are critical to the success of events and offer many benefits to the company, including brand exposure and a chance to demonstrate their commitment to the lung cancer field.

List of Events

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How Your Gift Supports A Breath of Hope

Your gifts support national lung cancer research awards focused on late-stage treatments and early detection ($150,000 each), $10,000 screening grants that help clinics overcome patient barriers to lung cancer screening, national lung cancer awareness campaigns, and programming for lung cancer patients and families that includes:

  • Patient Education for better outcomes (www.youandlungcancer.com);
  • Events that build a community of support for all who cope with a diagnosis;
  • Rides to treatment and medical appointments;
  • Companionship visits for those who feel isolated;
  • Support groups for survivors and caregivers; and
  • Support groups for those who grieve following a lung cancer loss.

A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation (ABOH) is a Smart Givers accredited, best practice, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that is 100% funded by philanthropy. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Your gifts make this work possible and we humbly thank you for remembering ABOH!


gold seal logo


ABOH earned a Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStarUSA! To achieve this level of recognition, GuideStar reviewed our program goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements, and progress indicators. ABOH is making a difference in the world. Thank you to all the ABOH volunteers, partners, and donors that make this work possible. You are our Stars!

Check it out and tell us what you think: GuideStar ABOH profile.

Charities Review Council

Thank you for your support of A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation. We honor the trust you have placed in us and are committed to spending your gift responsibly. We have been reviewed by the Charities Review Council and are proud to have met its Accountability Standards.

To read our charity review report, visit the Charities Review Council at www.SmartGivers.org.

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