The World Needs Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in our community! And for all who have lost their mothers, know that our thoughts are with you this weekend.

In the United States, lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosis in women and the leading cause of cancer death. The risk of developing lung cancer for women is about 1 in 17.

Why have so many in our community lost their moms to lung cancer?

Women are exposed to unique risk factors that remain understudied such as indoor pollution, second-hand tobacco exposure, biological differences, gender differences in how women respond to therapy in lung cancer, and societal gender roles that create unique survivorship needs.

Women continue to be under-represented in lung cancer clinical trials and are usually treated with data that has come from male patient studies.

To improve treatments and survival among women, greater representation of women in lung cancer clinical trials and gender-specific research is necessary. And equally important is awareness and access to screening for lung cancer.

Too many of A Breath of Hope’s supporters have lost their mothers to lung cancer. Know that ABOH focuses part of its work on finding solutions, from research to early detection to special events focused on helping women improve their immune health. Thank you for supporting the work!

Ladies – we hope to see you Saturday at the 9th annual Women’s Wellness Tea!