Education/Support for Patients, Survivors, Caregivers, & Loved Ones
Join us at our monthly Education & Support Meetings for Survivors and Caregivers, and/or Education & Support Meetings for Grieving Families and Friends.
ABOH monthly virtual support meetings are 90 minutes long and include a 30-45 minute educational presentation followed by questions, answers, optional sharing and networking. Smaller breakout groups may be offered to provide a place for personal discussions. There is no cost to participate. Please RSVP via phone at 952-456-2845 or by email at
A trust of privacy for information shared in a group setting is the shared responsibility of all group members and the facilitator(s). Please view and agree to the following agreement of confidentiality HERE.
For Lung Cancer Patients, Survivors, & Caregivers
People living with lung cancer and their caregivers are invited to attend meetings on the third Tuesday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. Meetings are hosted through Zoom and can be accessed by phone or computer. Each meeting includes a presentation on a topic important to survivors and caregivers.
2025 Online Meetings:
- January 21 – Roundtable Discussion with an Oncology Nurse, Teri Kast, RN
- February 18 – Your Voice and Public Policy, Emily Myatt, ACS CAN
- March 18 – Symptom Management Using Aromatherapy, Karissa Albrecht-Palmen
- April 15 – Patient/Caregiver Combined Session, Allison Breininger,
- May 20 – Health Insurance and Billing Issues, Erin Hartung
- June 17 – Taking Thoughts & Emotions Along for the Ride, Brian Piatt
- July 15 – Advanced Care Planning, Lisa Lobejko
- August 19 – A Lung Cancer Story, Teri Fischer
Questions? Call 952-456-2845 or email staff at
For Grieving Families & Friends
As you and your loved ones find your way through grief following a significant loss to lung cancer, we invite you to join others who share your experience and the many challenges of mourning. The meetings provide an opportunity for families and friends to learn new tools for coping, and through the small groups, a chance to share as they feel comfortable with others on a similar journey.
People working through the loss of a loved one to lung cancer are invited to attend meetings free of charge on the first Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. Each meeting includes a presentation on a topic important to those experiencing grief. Adult children, spouses, friends, and extended family members are invited to attend. Meetings are hosted through Zoom and can be accessed by phone or computer.
2025 Online Meetings:
- January 9 – Holiday Reflections and Starting the New Year
- February 6 – Mourner’s Bill of Rights Discussion
- March 6 – Mourner’s Bill of Rights continued…
- April 3 – Group Check-In – How Are We Doing?
- May 1 – Rediscovering Identity Following the Death of a Loved One
- June 5 – TBD
Questions? Call or text us at 952-456-2845, or by email at
Additional Resources/Groups: A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation supports local lung cancer groups in the Twin Cities and offers information on cancer support groups open to all cancer patients and their families.