Request for Letters of Intent (due on or before March 1, 2024)
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation (ABOH) is honored to accept letters of intent from early career researchers in the lung cancer field in loving memory of our dear friend Julie. 15 finalists will be invited to submit a full proposal by March 15.
RFP ELIGIBILITY includes the following criteria:
- Must be employed by a U.S. research institution
- If the project involves people or animals, must have received approval from your institution’s review board before the funds are disbursed
- Early-stage investigator (ESI). You are within 10 years following completion of one of the following: Terminal research degree, medical residency, or equivalent.
TOPIC AREAS INCLUDE, but are not limited to the following ideas:
- Women and Lung Cancer. Addressing rising cases among women. Lung cancer diagnoses have risen 84% in women over the past 43 years while dropping 36% in men, even though many of those women never smoked. Women who have never smoked are more than twice as likely as male never-smokers to get lung cancer.
- Resistance to immunotherapy in oncogene-driven NSCLC
- Predictive and prognostic markers to identify responders and non-responders in NSCLC
- Understanding genetic heterogeneity in mutation-driven NSCLC patients
- Lung cancer in never-smokers
- Novel strategies to improve early diagnosis of lung cancer
- SCLC, such as development of new targeted therapies for small-cell lung cancer
- SCLC, such as NSCLC transformation into SCLC (it’s estimated that between 3% and 10% of resistance mutations to EGFR-targeted therapy drugs are related to transformation to SCLC)
The maximum period of performance is two years. The maximum allowable funding for the entire period of performance is $150,000 for research costs.
- Letter of Intent submission deadline: March 1, 2024
- Invitations for Full Proposals sent by ABOHLF: March 15, 2024
- Full Proposals submitted by invited applicants’ deadline: April 19, 2024
- Announcement of Winning proposal: May 15, 2024
- First payment to the institution (assuming receipt of the grant agreement): June 1, 2024
Questions? Reach out to Nancy@abreathofhope.org.
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation, a 15-year-old national nonprofit based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has invested nearly $3 million in its research program. Learn more about ABOH here.